AVGS-Coaching in Obernburg a.Main
Individual coaching in Obernburg a.Main :
100% - Funding with AVGS possible
Founder Coaching with AVGS in Obernburg a.Main
Certified 1:1 coaching
online or on-site
Visit founder coaching What exactly is an AVGS?
AVGS is an abbreviation of activation and placement voucher. This is given to you by your job center or by your employment agency. With this it is possible to have certain educational measures such as our coaching completely discounted.
Who gets an AVGS and where do I apply for it?
An AVGS is usually issued to people who are looking for work. The following criteria are important:
Entitlement to unemployment benefits
Unemployment for six weeks in the last three months
No placement to date
However, people who do not meet the above criteria can also receive an AVGS; this will then be decided on an individual basis. We will be happy to help you with the application process in our non-binding initial meeting.
Which services are covered by the AVGS?
With the AVGS, you can have us promote various individual 1:1 coaching, including the modules necessary for them. We work according to a success-oriented concept, which is divided into individual, important modules. The choice of modules depends entirely on your focus and needs.
For how long is an AVGS valid?
The duration of our coaching is, depending on the agreement, between 7 days to more than 8 weeks.
During this time, the content of the coaching will be taught to you in an easy-to-understand manner at your pace.
How does the whole process work with the AVGS?
There are three simple steps:
- You already have an AVGS or would like to apply for one.
- We then arrange a non-binding initial meeting together, in which they can clarify their questions.
- Subsequently, we will regularly support and accompany you in this process.
What our customers say
I can recommend Mr. Lühmann's coaching 100%. He gave me excellent support, motivation and advice on the subject of self-employment. 1 *
Very informative and valuable insight how to set up a business in Germany. Very much highly recommended. Thanks to Markus and Wistor.